Frequently asked questions
Is there something you are wondering about regarding studies at Centria? We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions below.
Academic life and studying at Centria
The structure of the course exams depends on the subject and the course. Sometimes the exam contains essays, sometimes multiple choice tasks. Quite often there is no exam at all and instead, there is project work, teamwork or such.
Evaluation is usually on a scale of 0–5, sometimes pass – failed. The teacher is responsible for the assessment and she/he announces the scoring process and evaluation at the beginning of the course.
It is possible. The completion time depends on the student’s background, level of competence and how willing he/she is to make an effort during the studies. However, the degree is timed and measured so that it takes 3,5 years and we recommend that the student does not hurry up too much with the courses. It is the best way to absorb the contents of the courses.
There are some special courses for research work for example in the BBA curriculum, such as “Research work” and “Thesis process”. In addition to these, there are some smaller projects included in the study programme during which you can take part in R&D projects or do research work in co-operation with companies and business life.
You will need your own laptop to study. There are also computers and printers available for use on the Centria campuses as well as city libraries, if you don’t have a laptop of your own at the beginning of studies.
The teaching methods are varied, but in daytime groups, the courses are mainly organised on campus and the lectures are held in classrooms. There can be some online courses, too.
In the blended learning groups the lectures are mainly online, but every other week the groups have one day on campus in Pietarsaari. The students have to be present on campus then.
A university of applied sciences degree gives better chances of employment and possibilities to get a higher position in working life than without a UAS degree. You can also get contacts with business life and employers during your practical training, too.
You can see Centria’s Study Guide here: Study guide (opinto-opas.fi).
See also more information here: Content of studies – Centria.
Usually, there are 25–30 students in one group, but the number of students varies.
Yes, it does. 9 ECTS of Finnish language is compulsory to study during for example the BBA degree. Optional courses are also highly recommended because it is easier to get a job in Finland if you speak at least basic Finnish. There is a possibility to study up to 30 ECTS with courses like “Finnish for working life,” “Spoken Finnish ” and “Finnish club”.
Living in Finland, Kokkola and Pietarsaari
Kokkola describes itself as “a seaside town with an inspiring atmosphere, community spirit and a good everyday life filled with memorable experiences. We have a strong focus on child-friendliness and want to be the best environment for entrepreneurship.”
Get to know Kokkola at Kokkola has something for everyone (visitkokkola.fi) and Kokkola (infofinland.fi).
Pietarsaari describes itself with a little town with a big heart. Pietarsaari is a lively and beautiful seaside town that “offers excellent conditions for one’s own chosen life; diverse exercise and sports facilities, sufficient culture, a long history, plenty of space, as well as good jobs for skilled people and a friendly atmosphere”.
Get to know Pietarsaari at Homepage – Jakobstad, Visit Jakobstad Region (visitpietarsaarenseutu.fi) and Pietarsaari offers excellent conditions for one’s own chosen life. | Alholmen Industrial Park (alholmenip.fi).
Finland is said to be the happiest country in the world. As a Finn, it’s hard to tell what Finland is about – nature, silence, great education, calm people, and different seasons. You can also ask from an international student what Finland is like, but the best way to experience Finland is to live in it.
Get to know Finland
There is no denying winter can be hard. To deal with the darkness and the cold weather it is important to take care of yourself – exercise, spend time outdoors and with other people doing the things you like, take your vitamins (especially vitamin D for the lack of sunlight) and focus on the great and exotic things during the winter – snow and all the winter activities, northern lights and the silence that fresh snow brings. The seasons are totally different from one another in Finland, which is great.
Finnish and Swedish might first sound totally different from what you are used to. You can get to know the language already for example from Duolingo. You’ll also study some Finnish during your studies. It is advised to study or learn Finnish also outside of your studies if you aspire to work in Finland. The best way to “cope” with Finns is to get to know them. Stereotypically Finns are quite quiet and not very outgoing, but once you get to know Finns, they might prove that wrong.
Hobbies and extracurricular activities
Student Union COPSA organizes activities and events for Centria’s students at the campus and outside the campus. Keep an eye on COPSA’s events on Facebook (Opiskelijakunta COPSA), Instagram (@opiskelijakuntacopsa) and COPSA’s website.
Centria’s different services and personnel also organize activities and events. To keep an eye on these, follow us on social media: Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu (Facebook) and @centriaamk (Instagram) as well as Events – Centria.
You’ll also see extracurricular activities on Centria’s Instagram stories as “Event tips” every Monday and you will also be informed about them on Tuudo.
To see the activities and events Kokkola offers, see Events in Kokkola. I suggest you also check out Yhteisöklubi Silta and Youth Center Villa Elba in Kokkola.
For event in Pietarsaari, see Happenings in Pietarsaari » Events in Ostrobothnia (osterbotten.fi).
Housing, student apartments and living expenses
In Kokkola, Tankkari Student Housing offers shared apartments and studios for students. There are six student houses available around the city. The closest ones to the campus are less than a kilometre away and the furthest are about 3 kilometres away. See more info and the apartments at Kt Oy Tankkari.
In Pietarsaari Fastighets Ab Ebba Kiinteistö Oy rents apartment for students. Check out their website at Fastighets Ab Ebba Kiinteistö Oy | Hyresbostäder i Jakobstad (ebbafastigheter.fi) (in Finnish or Swedish).
Read more about accommodation in Centria’s campus town here: Accommodation in campus towns – Centria.
Giving the exact amount is difficult because the cost of living depends on where you live and what you spend your money on. Student apartments are usually more affordable than apartments in the open market, costing 300-500 euros a month. Open market apartments can cost between 500-800 euros per month (Rentals Kokkola: 80 pcs – Vuokraovi.com), depending on the location and size of the apartment. You can also share an apartment with a roommate, which makes the cost of living a little less. You can use for example the Goin’ app to find a roommate.
Besides tuition fees you’ll also need funds for insurance, electricity and water, rent deposit, student health care fee, as well as everyday items and food. It is estimated, that monthly living expenses for students are around 700–900 euros, depending on where you live and your personal living habits (Fees and Costs | Study in Finland).
In Kokkola Tankkari Student Housing has also family apartments, but they are quite few. You can check them out and apply at their website Kt Oy Tankkari.
In Pietarsaari you can apply for an apartment here: Fastighets Ab Ebba Kiinteistö Oy | Hyresbostäder i Jakobstad (ebbafastigheter.fi).
In Kokkola student apartments are applied for at Kt Oy Tankkari. It is important to apply for a student apartment 2‒3 months before your arrival. Make sure to do the application with precision and ask Tankkari’s office, if you have any questions.
There might be busier times when student apartments aren’t available, all are taken and there is a queue for the available ones. Because of this you’ll need to apply for a student apartment early enough. If a student apartment isn’t available, you’ll need to search for apartments from the Kokkola City Rental Apartments or in the open market, for example at: Rentals Kokkola: 83 pcs – Vuokraovi.com.
See more information about housing in Kokkola and Pietarsaari at Accommodation in campus towns – Centria.
Residence permit and arriving in Finland
You’ll find all the useful information about a residence permit for a student here: Studying in Finland | Maahanmuuttovirasto (migri.fi). Make sure to apply for a residence permit as soon as you have accepted the study place and attach all the required attachments in the application.
Yes. More information can be found at Moving to Finland to be with a family member | Maahanmuuttovirasto (migri.fi). For the sufficient financial resources for a family member, see Student’s family members | Maahanmuuttovirasto (migri.fi).
For all residence permit related questions, I suggest you contact the Finnish Immigration Services (Home | Maahanmuuttovirasto (migri.fi)). If you are unable to arrive to the campus for getting a negative residence permit decision, please contact Centria’s Admissions Service (admissions@centria.fi).
“A student who has been issued with a residence permit for studies may engage in gainful employment without restrictions if the employment consists of practical training or diploma work as part of a degree.”
In addition, you may work in paid employment for a maximum of 30 hours per week. The number of working hours can be exceeded some weeks, as long as the average working hours are no more than 30 hours per week at the end of the year.”
(Information from: Students | Maahanmuuttovirasto (migri.fi))
Unfortunately there is no pick up from the airport in Kokkola Pietarsaari airport. You can read more information on how to travel to Kokkola or Pietarsaari at New students – Centria under “Arrival information”.
Practical training and jobs
Centria UAS has Career and Work-Life Services to help students to find practical training positions.
The university will hold recruitment events on campus. Also, during your studies, you get many opportunities to meet company representatives on campus.
You can also find internship and job opportunities on Centria Jobi and many other websites in Finland.
Centria has Career and Work-Life Services to help students to find practical training positions.
There are several IT companies in Kokkola and in the region that Centria cooperates with. Centria’s Career and Work-Life Services are also here to help you with finding practical training positions.
Kokkola has several big companies that offer work for our chemistry students for summer and after graduation. The demand for chemistry students is constantly growing and huge investments are going on in Kokkola in the chemistry field. It is estimated that over 1500 new workers are needed in the coming years.
You can start looking for work opportunities already after your first year.
This will depend on your study field. The Career and Work-life Services will help you find your path to working life.
There are several part-time job opportunities in the region. Generally, students who are actively searching for work opportunities and ask for help can get a job for break time also.
It is a very useful skill to know Finnish and it is something you should start learning early on to help you find job opportunities. Still, many of our students have entered working life without knowing Finnish, but it will help if you know Finnish, even if it is only some phrases or words.

Do you have a question that you didn’t find an answer to?
You can contact our integration services with questions regarding settling into Kokkola or Pietarsaari and the practicalities of creating a life here.
If you have a question regarding applying or the admission process, you can contact our admissions services.