Our research and development activities constantly produce new information and tools that are available to everyone through our publication series.
Publications produced by our personnel
Centria’s personnel write and publish expert articles and other publications on the results of research and development as well as teaching activities. The publication information can be found in the Juuli Publication Information Portal. Theseus portal contains the publications of Centria’s publication series in web versions.
Publications of our research and development teams
We write publications on topics of electric, automation and telecommunication technologies, as well as electronics.
We write publications on topics of chemistry.
You can find publications surrounding the topics of entrepreneurship and wellbeing in the research.fi portal.
Newsletter CentriaNews
The newsletter handles current topics regarding our RDI activities as well as topics concerning education. The newsletter is published in Finnish.
Thesis is a part of Bachelor’s degree studies and Master’s degree studies. The thesis shows the student’s ability to understand, apply and produce results at expert level in his or her field of expertise.